It’s that time of year again…business to be done
Lottery Project Updates
Yes folks, it is that time of year when we have to do the dastardly deed!
Now I know most folk groan when they hear the words AGM, but this years promises to be very interesting.
This is the year when spade finally goes into ground and the lottery project works finally begin.
You’ll be able to hear all the latest updates on this exciting project.
We know that it might seem not much is happening, but believe you, me, there is lots going on behind the scenes.
We can’t wait for it to begin, it’s seems a long time coming, (in part hindered by the Covid crises) and watch as the new Heritage cafe rises from the ground and the exciting playpark emerges.
Unfortunately, yet again we’ve had to revert back to Zoom due to covid risk, but you won’t be sad you joined us online.
So grab your cheese and biscuits, pour a drink and settle back to hear the latest news.
(Fingers crossed, next year it’ll be us supplying the cheese and wine again, when we can get together.)
Links below;
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Passcode: 7SjR2Y