Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Posts tagged "weeping willows"
Weymouth Mayor Cllr Colin Huckle and Lady Mayoress planting Queen's Jubilee willow in Radipole gardens 2022

Queen’s Jubilee Tree; Baby Willow Joins the Royal Family; Radipole Gardens.

Well, for poor Nikki Latham from Chesil Radio, the start to her day couldn't have been any wetter as she attended the Queen's Jubilee Tree planting in Radipole gardens, there to give her live report on such regal matters. The gardeners, well equipped in their all weather gear, as they prepared the hole for the garden's youngest willow. All it needed was Mayor, Cllr. Colin Huckle and Lady Mayoress, and both arrived suitably adorned with Weymouth's ceremonial jewels, fit for such royal proceedings....

Welcome to Radipole’s Weeping Willows

Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park. This is the hub for all manner of information about our beautiful open space, from what’s happening in the park and gardens to a list of events taking place. Photographs taken of our stunning gardens in all their glory…and some of those that tell it’s story. Radipole gardens are renown for their wonderfully gnarled weeping willows that drape the pathways, flickering with light and shade in the summer months. Over the years, many a wedding party have posed for their photos here under their weighty boughs. Maybe you were one of...

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