bio diversity Community Orchard Events flowers health and wellbeing lottery bid mammals nature Play park Radipole Lake Sensory Garden Shrubs Trees wildflower meadow wildlife
Revealed;- Some Hidden Gems; Radipole Park and Gardens
Watching bats sweeping to and fro in these gardens are one of my treasured childhood memories, though what they were probably feeding on, not such good memories! Playing tennis in the evenings usually meant you spent more time swiping away those mozzies who seemed determined to devour you....
October 7, 2019
bio diversity flowers Fragrance health and wellbeing history of the park nature Shrubs Trees wildlife
Excitement; Summer is Here! Keeping it Simple
Summer is Here! Our website was created to promote, inform about events and share our love of Radipole gardens here in Weymouth. But sometimes it's just nice to post simple photos of our stunning gardens....