Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Celebration event August 2024

Finally!…Elated for Our Grand Celebration Event; August Radipole Park 2024

Grand Celebration Event August 2024     What can we say. Throughout this project weather, or rather bad weather, has played a major role Site flooded, or mud swamped at times. Unable to start sensory garden due to water sitting in excavated and waiting beds. First celebration event cancelled due to high winds and torrential rain. Final Lottery site visit undertaken in horrendous rain. Well here we are again, Celebratory event rearranged, order put in for good weather, we're ready to rock and roll. Saturday 10th August between 11am and 2pm you'll find us busy showing people around, pointing them in various directions of  activities, the usual speeches and ribbon cutting. Lots for families to...

Radipole Ripples news letter Dec 2022

What Happened to 2022? Radipole Gardens 2023

Well, talk about being a roller coaster ride. The year 2022 was when it all should have been happening. Covid stopped us in our project tracks, we should have been celebrating the big Lottery award news, but so much has happened in those turbulent years between then and now! The article penned in our Christmas Radipole Ripples news letter from our chair Mike Goulden says it all....

bug hotel Radipole gardens 2022

Exhilarated; Wow…Just Wow About Wildlife; 2022

It was in the middle of a heatwave, the grass was parched, temps already soaring early morning, but could the shade of our age old willows entice families to come along. Come they certainly did! Even before it was due to start folk started to pour in. It was like the opening of floodgates. Before we knew it all our stands were mobbed....

plants for plant sale

Plant Sale 2022. Excited; A New Year and it’s Time To Sow.

Well the year has begun very kindly to us weather wise, so not sure if making a start on sowing in the greenhouse is wise or tempting fate! The cuttings taken in autumn are already sprouting some healthy looking roots. Each year we have a plant sale to raise funds for the gardens, but the last couple of years have been difficult as Covid scuppered most of our events, resulting in  having to sell plants from our drive. Seemingly I'm now known as plant lady!...

Mike, Stuart and Dave pruning Radipole community orchard 2022

Community…That’s What its all About; Pruning Radipole Community Orchard

We had a fantastic turn out at our Pruning Radipole Community Orchard. The three beaming amigos you see below are Friends of Radipole Park & Gardens. Why do they look so happy? Have they discovered a pot of gold? Maybe found it takes only three men to lift a long pole? No they've found something way, way better. Volunteers!...

All Hallows' Hoolies Radipole Gardens

Free Pumpkins Galore; 450 Years On and Which Side Are You?

This year we're combining our annual pumpkin carving with Weymouth's 450 celebrations. Thanks to a generous grant from Weymouth Town Council we can supply 100 free pumpkins to be carved at our All Hallows' Hoolies. When you arrive at Radipole gardens queue up and sign in to receive your free pumpkin, one per child. You'll then be directed to a carving table with tools, but we respectfully request that parents supervise their children during this activity, after all its good fun to do these things together. Mind you, I do remember a couple of somewhat eager parents last time taking this very seriously, taking over charge of...

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