Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Community Orchard
Radipole Celebration event August 2024

Finally!…Elated for Our Grand Celebration Event; August Radipole Park 2024

Grand Celebration Event August 2024     What can we say. Throughout this project weather, or rather bad weather, has played a major role Site flooded, or mud swamped at times. Unable to start sensory garden due to water sitting in excavated and waiting beds. First celebration event cancelled due to high winds and torrential rain. Final Lottery site visit undertaken in horrendous rain. Well here we are again, Celebratory event rearranged, order put in for good weather, we're ready to rock and roll. Saturday 10th August between 11am and 2pm you'll find us busy showing people around, pointing them in various directions of  activities, the usual speeches and ribbon cutting. Lots for families to...

Mike, Stuart and Dave pruning Radipole community orchard 2022

Community…That’s What its all About; Pruning Radipole Community Orchard

We had a fantastic turn out at our Pruning Radipole Community Orchard. The three beaming amigos you see below are Friends of Radipole Park & Gardens. Why do they look so happy? Have they discovered a pot of gold? Maybe found it takes only three men to lift a long pole? No they've found something way, way better. Volunteers!...

Radipole community orchard 2021

Welcome to our Free Radipole Community Orchard; 10 Years On and Still Going Strong.

It's that time of year again, the sun sinks lower, leaves start to fall, fruits ripen. Had a mooch through our community orchard today, to see what's available. Fruit, nuts and berries dotted here and there, plenty of wildlife feasting on the fallers and fruits in the trees, especially enjoying the bumper crop of golden crabapples. These small, apple-like fruits might be sharp to the tongue but can be used in so many ways, from jellies to liquors. [caption id="attachment_17047" align="aligncenter" width="633"] Mallus Butterball Radipole community orchard 2021 ©Sue Hogben[/caption] If you like something a bit different, the mix of sharp and sweet why not try scrummy Crabapple toffee...

Bee on dandelion wildlife Free activities Radipole gardens Wild in the park 2023

Wildlife Loving our Stunning Meadows at Radipole; Wildlife & Wellbeing

Have you been to visit our wildlife meadow at the far end of the play-park this year? It is blooming lovely, and that's official. Emily Brown, Weymouth's Parks Operation and Development Officer paid a visit to create a report on its progress and was blown away by what she saw and wanted to share it with us all....

Blackbird in Radipole gardens

Revealed;- Some Hidden Gems; Radipole Park and Gardens

Watching bats sweeping to and fro in these gardens are one of my treasured childhood memories, though what they were probably feeding on, not such good memories! Playing tennis in the evenings usually meant you spent more time swiping away those mozzies who seemed determined to devour you....

Poster for a community event discussing proposed plans for radipole park, featuring an image of a park, event details, and logos of sponsors.

Your Opinions Matter on Wildlife in Radipole Park and Gardens

As part of our lottery bid, because of course its something very close to our hearts anyway, we would love to hear peoples opinions on what we can do to help the biodiversity of our beautiful green space. This is open invitation to anyone who would love to come along and hear what the future holds for all manner of flora and fauna  in Radipole Park and Gardens. Join us at 7pm on Thursday 15th November at the Weymouth Centenary Club in Jubilee close where there's even free parking. (Areas of long grass and springtime wildflowers in Radipole gardens.) We'll also be joined by nature expert Sam Hamer...

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