Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
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Free activities Radipole gardens 2023

Take a Walk on the Wildside; Fun and Frolics in Radipole Gardens

Things are coming together nicely now for our next event in Radipole Gardens on Saturday 4th May 11-3pm.   Working in partnership with Natural Choices, Stepping into Nature and Active Ageing our wildlife event this year is going to be bigger and better. It's long been known that time spent in the great outdoors has many benefits. Communing with nature, wildlife and a bit of tree hugging never did anyone any harm. In fact it's been proven to be not only beneficial for our physical but also mental health. This years event has so much to offer people of all ages, all interests and activity levels and its free...

Two men transporting a variety of potted plants on a cart under a vine-covered pergola, with a caption about bringing flowers from hot houses in early spring in weymouth.

Discovering Images of Radipole Gardens Lost Past

Some might think that an odd title seeing as the gardens were only created during the 1930's, but if you're fan of good old Tony Robinson and Time Team, you'll know that sometimes it's easier to research, read and know more about centuries ago than it is our more recent history! Radipole park and gardens were created during the 1930's, a period between two World Wars, also a period of austerity and high unemployment. Schemes had been set up by the government of the day to enable councils to take advantage of cheap rate loans  to employ many of those men and women who were unable...

People mingle at a lively outdoor event in a park adorned with British and American flags, true to the WWII style. Stalls, trees, and a sunny sky enhance the festive atmosphere.

Success; Radipole Gardens Goes All Out in True Patriotic WWII style.

Well, that's the final big event of our year done and dusted and boy did we go out with bloody big bang in true patriotic WWII style! Greeting the crowds coming to our event was this Big Beast shown below. This monster vehicle was parked out in the tennis club car park (sadly minus the even bigger tracked beast who would have been on her back had she not blown something to do with oil.)  She guzzled approx £100 in fuel for owner Colvyn Gillmon just to get here here from Dorchester! Though our 1940's Big Fun Day was a cracking success, of course that only happens...

Vintage black and white photo of a park with people scattered around a pond, surrounded by open grassy areas and a distant housing development.

Oohhh Sweet Memories! Radipole Play Park and that Paddling Pool

This collection of old photos came to us via Weymouth Museum who have a vast set of images along with many historical items on the history of our area. Next time you're in Brewer's Quay pop in and say hi to them, there's even a book shop there that's free to browse. P.S. doing your family history...

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