Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Blackbird in Radipole gardens

Revealed;- Some Hidden Gems; Radipole Park and Gardens

Watching bats sweeping to and fro in these gardens are one of my treasured childhood memories, though what they were probably feeding on, not such good memories! Playing tennis in the evenings usually meant you spent more time swiping away those mozzies who seemed determined to devour you....

Close-up of witch hazel flowers in bloom, featuring twisted, yellow-orange petals on bare branches, with blurred greenery in the background.

A Walk in the Park

So fed up with the grey and gloomy days, it was literally a breath of fresh air to see the sun in the sky once more. Garbed in numerous layers of warm clothing it was time to venture forth and see what's happening down in the gardens. The first things that caught my eye were the little crocus braving the cold winds, though it maybe wasn't quite warm enough to persuade them to open fully. But as anyone knows...

A bee collecting nectar from a purple flower with the heritage lottery fund logo in the corner, indicating lottery funding.

Bringing Wildlife and Nature into the Park

One of our aims is to make concerted efforts to attract more wildlife and bring more nature into Radipole park and gardens. There are benefits for both them and us. If we succeed (fingers and toes firmly crossed)  with stage II of our Heritage Lottery Bid, we have plans to create a bog garden area and a sensory garden. As part of that scheme, this coming Spring, on Saturday 14th April, one of our events will be  a Wildlife and Nature Day in the gardens. This is will be a fun day for everyone, there will be something to enjoy for the whole family, of all ages and...

Welcome to Radipole’s Weeping Willows

Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park. This is the hub for all manner of information about our beautiful open space, from what’s happening in the park and gardens to a list of events taking place. Photographs taken of our stunning gardens in all their glory…and some of those that tell it’s story. Radipole gardens are renown for their wonderfully gnarled weeping willows that drape the pathways, flickering with light and shade in the summer months. Over the years, many a wedding party have posed for their photos here under their weighty boughs. Maybe you were one of...

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