Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > refreshments (Page 2)
People mingle at a lively outdoor event in a park adorned with British and American flags, true to the WWII style. Stalls, trees, and a sunny sky enhance the festive atmosphere.

Success; Radipole Gardens Goes All Out in True Patriotic WWII style.

Well, that's the final big event of our year done and dusted and boy did we go out with bloody big bang in true patriotic WWII style! Greeting the crowds coming to our event was this Big Beast shown below. This monster vehicle was parked out in the tennis club car park (sadly minus the even bigger tracked beast who would have been on her back had she not blown something to do with oil.)  She guzzled approx £100 in fuel for owner Colvyn Gillmon just to get here here from Dorchester! Though our 1940's Big Fun Day was a cracking success, of course that only happens...

Event poster for "big fun day" on August 25th at Radipole Gardens, featuring a 1940s theme with a miniature steam train, military vehicles, brass band, and stalls

Fascinating; Discover Radipole Park & Gardens links to WWI and WWII

Discover Radipole Park & Gardens links to WWI and WWII In a couple of weeks time we will be hosting our annual Big Fun Day, only this year is a very special one. Last winter we received the exciting news that we had got though stage I of or £1,4000,000 Parks for People Heritage Lottery Bid. That's no mean feat either. It has taken our Chair, Mike Goulden literally thousands of hours of work to put together our submission, working alongside members of W&P borough council. It ended in a humungous volume of facts, figures, history of, social history, ecological study...

Poster for friends of radipole park and gardens plant sale event on saturday 19th, featuring floral graphics and event details.

Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick, Scones and Home Made Sausage Rolls?

You might be wondering what connection these eclectic objects have with Radipole Gardens. Well here's the answer. [caption id="attachment_322" align="alignnone" width="800"] Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens Plants and Garden Sale poster. Our fund raising event 19th May 2018 in Radipole United Reformed Church hall.[/caption] On Saturday 19th May we are having our Plant and Gardens sale in Radipole United Reformed Church between 10am and 12 noon. Not only will there be a great selection of plants available...

Nurture Nature and Welcome Wildlife to Weymouth

Our next event is one that is packed with something for people of all ages and all interests in nature and wildlife. Not only how we can help them but they help us. [caption id="attachment_340" align="alignnone" width="800"] Poster for the Nurture Nature and Welcome Wildlife event being held in Weymouth Radipole Gardens 14th April 2018.[/caption] Come along and meet many of the experts in their field and those volunteers who beaver away caring for local wildlife such as Hayley from Hayley's Hedgehog Rescue. Some of the other groups attending include the Dorset Mammal Group, Dorset Butterfly Conservation, Dorset Dragonflies and the Dorset Field Officer for Amphibians and Reptiles. Dorset...

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