Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Holocaust Memorial Day
A colorful graphic celebrating the transition from 2019 to 2020 with fireworks, bubbles, and text saying "thank," likely part of "thank you.

What More Can We Say? Thank You For ALL Your Support

It's that time of year, Christmas done and dusted, visiting families returned from whence they came, beds stripped, washed and remade, cats enjoying last remnants of the turkey, me praying for a swift return to those lighter evenings, and our thoughts turn towards what was and what will be....

Colorful flyer advertising a tabletop sale at radipole park & gardens on january 19th from 10 am to noon, featuring illustrations of people shopping and text highlights.

Ringing in the New; Radipole Gardens Events 2019

We would like to hope that all our followers enjoyed their festive holiday and will go on to have a very Happy and Healthy New. This will be a very busy and important year for the Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens group. 2019 will see us continue working on phase II of our Parks for People Heritage Lottery Bid to be submitted by the end of this year. Many hours of work goes on behind the scenes by both the Friends volunteers and members of local government on this project, from researching and customer surveys, to documenting figures and arranging walk-in consultations. But of course that...

Logo of "the power of words holocaust memorial day 2018" featuring stylized text in purple and black.

Powerful words…Powerful Memories; Holocaust Day 2018

Our local parks and gardens, besides being somewhere that gives us great pleasure, they can also provide us with a wealth of memories. Some are happy, some may be sad, but some hold very powerful messages for those who visit. So it is for Radipole Gardens who will be holding their annual Holocaust Memorial Day on Friday January 26th. In our gardens, standing tall and straight is a Holocaust Memorial Tree, donated by local resident, Tony Hamm. Each year people from all walks of life and faiths gather together around it to remember not only those lives lost or affected affected by such atrocious acts of barbarism under...

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