Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Events  > 2018 Off to a Cracking Start…
Radipole Friends Table top sale 2018

2018 Off to a Cracking Start…

What an absolute  cracker…our first event for 2018 and we’re flying!


We even had an orderly queue waiting eagerly at the doors for the 10 am start.


From the moment the doors opened it didn’t stop.

A huge thank you to all the wonderful stall holders who arrived and set up, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Fab to finally put faces to names that had only been an online presence before.

Nicola from Chesil Radio provided the music and kept everyone chatting.

The delicious smell of cooking bacon wafting up and down the road (via the sneakily opened window) I suspect drew in many a punter.

Mike Goulden in his pinny along with Stuart and Valerie didn’t have time to draw breath in the kitchen, the queue remained that…a queue right until we closed the doors.

Andy manfully manned the doors, selling raffle tickets and enrolling yet more members and volunteers to the Friends group.

Dave was the man who was on a mission, constantly on the move chatting to everyone to make sure things were going fine (And I’m sure I noticed Dave purchasing a bag of those scrummy home made truffles.)

But one of the best things about the day, was that people kept arriving to give us items to sell for the Friends group. It makes my heart swell to see so much generosity and love for our beautiful park and gardens.


So there we are folks…we are well on the way for our £10,000 target to build our Sensory garden.

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  • cannasue 6 years ago

    I missed this one. Do you have any more events this year?

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