Radipole Park & Gardens
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Chesil Radio 2022

Powerful Events; It’s All About the Community 2022

It’s All About the Community

Why do we do events?

Well, no matter how big or small, well attended or not, they all work on so many levels.

You learn and take from them what you can, raising funds and awareness, making new contacts, getting advice, giving suggestions.

Every single piece of the volunteer jigsaw counts.

For an example, our recent event. This year we combined with Radipole’s Famous Old Spa to run a Family Fun Jubilee Event.

Between us we invited along local groups, individuals who are part of the community, do things for the community and are indeed the community.

Chesil Radio run by Nicki and her crew are always first in line to offer support.

Attending events, providing the music, interviewing guests and attendees.


Chesil Radio 2022


Nicki In her majestic crown, (upstaging us all,) welcomed Weymouth’s Mayor, Cllr Ann Weaving to open the afternoons Jubilee celebrations.

The Mayor made the most of her time with us, talking to all the stall holders and visitors. She even got to enjoy a ride in one of Weymouth’s Cycling Without Age trishaws. Indeed we feared she was lost…


Chesil Radio Weymouth Mayor Cllr Ann Weaving 2022


…but dead on time to start proceedings they arrived back, she with a beaming face.


Weymouth Cycling Without Age 2022


Weymouth’s Cycling Without Age, run by Des Lochrie plays a huge role in getting local folk out and about again feeling the wind in their hair.

Their fleet of trishaws taking people of all ages and abilities on cycle rides throughout the district.

Must say that afternoon they never stopped from the moment we opened to the last flutter of bunting being removed. So many excited folk got their first experience of cycling with nere a peddle being pushed.

I did hear that was a record breaker for them.

Talking of transport, we had a great selection of vintage cars and their proud owners from the Weymouth Vehicle Preservation Society.

Another fantastic community of like minded enthusiasts who use their interests as a way to get involved and raise funds for charities.


Weymouth Vehicle Preservation society 2022


I know while they were there they also made further connections and I’m sure were booked for future events, besides explaining to others what they were about and how they could support.

Many a dewy eyed admirer, including the Town Clerk who reminisced of her youthful exploits and a capri, (I say no more,) got to talk to their owners while enviously eying up these throaty works of art and history.


Weymouth Preservation Vehicle Society 20


Another piece of wheeled equipment was also high on the ‘to visit stalls list,’ the cannon of the The Nothe Fort Garrison.

Along with their gun and carriage came a selection of rifles, drums, men in uniform and their various shiny accoutrements.

Children, and adults were fascinated as these victorian soldiers explained how they worked, what they did.


Nothe Fort Artillery Volunteers 2022


They too are all volunteers who give up their time to stage re enactments at their base, The Nothe Fort.

They also perform a gun salute at Portland’s harbourside as cruise ships depart. (We do like to make sure all pirates are rounded up, boarded and safely away.)

As 19th c gunners protected our seas and shores, so too did and indeed still do the R.N.L.I.


Teresa Drage Weymouth RNLI volunteer 2022


Teresa Drage is one of their volunteers who spend her time fundraising for this vital service.

When she’s not working in their harbourside shop next to the lifeboat house she can be found raising funds in all manner of ways, from attending events raising awareness, sponsored walks to selling raffle tickets.

Another volunteer making sure our coastline is safe for one all, those on land and sea, are men and women of the National Coastwatch Institute, (N.C.I.) which was formed in 1994.

Just uphill from the renowned Portland Bill, it’s infamous Race and shambles Bank stands The Lookout.


National Coastwatch Portland 2022


Again, all volunteers who stand watch for 12 hours of the day, 365 days of the year, making sure everyone enjoying our sea and coastline is safe.

They work closely in conjunction with the Coastguard and R.N.L.I.

Awareness and fund-raising vital to their continual operation.

Then we come to Chrissie, one of our all time heroes, she helps in so many ways, attends lots of our events, provides supplies and fund-raising for us.


Chrissie Weymouth Morrisons Community champion 2022


For the Jubilee occasion, this Morrison’s Community Champion  pulled out all the stops arriving in one heck of an outfit!

We all felt underdressed to say the least.

This is an example on how big businesses can support their local communities, some others could learn from their example!

Now authors, a subject close to my heart, also support many local events, not just by selling their wares, many do book readings to appreciative audiences.


Mike Elvy Fluke & Tash children's novels


Mike Elvy arrive with his series of Fluke and Tash adventures, based around two brilliant characters, Fluke, a Dalmatian puppy, and Tash the family cat.

Mixing magical time travel and humour they set off on their adventures.

Many of their tales are set around curriculum subjects so what better way to engage reluctant leaners than fun-filled tales.

Once they’ve read one they’ll want to know more.

Of course, last but not least Weymouth’s Town Clerk, Jane Biscombe, with her dinosaur Tilly who delighted the crowds and the Friends of Radipole Park & Gardens volunteers who set up and manned their stalls.


These are just some of the many who came to support us, and we hope we supported them in some way too, from making further connections, to us all sharing ways of working, from finding precious volunteers to much needed sponsors.

After all none of us groups would survive without either.

Very apt as it is Volunteer Week, so if you have time to spare look and see who in your community needs your help.


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