Exhilarated; Wow…Just Wow About Wildlife; 2022
Wow…Just Wow About Wildlife
The Friends were invited along to Weymouth Town Council’s Go Wild event in Radipole gardens.
It was in the middle of a heatwave, the grass was parched, temps already soaring early morning, brows being mopped, but could the shade of our age old willows entice families to come along.
Come they certainly did!
Even before it was due to start folk began to pouring in.
It was like the opening of floodgates.
Before we knew it all our stands were mobbed.
There were umpteen trails to follow, things to create aided and abetted by the Parks team, pictures to colour, thanks to the RSPB ladies and their stall.
Eager beavers could even help Radipole’s gardeners build a most humungous, multi story 5* bug hotel.
Kids, parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents were all trotting to and fro looking for this and that, searching high and low, scrabbling under bushes, peeking behind trees.
Some it was noted moving at a slightly faster pace than others.
When it came to the trails, eyes were everywhere, a few even managed to spot an invisible cloud in a clear blue sky!
After many discussion we decided that most of the bugs were hibernating away from the heat and glare of the sun.
It took some initiative to find their cool hideaways.
There was certainly some creative ticking of the trail boxes, but everyone was a winner and they all went away happy.
What was fascinating was the level of knowledge some of these young children had of wildlife.
I learnt a lot, not least that there’s hope that todays younger generation certainly care about wildlife and their environment.
It was heartwarming to hear all the wonderful comments from folk of all ages on how they’d enjoyed their time there.
This was for sure a good taster for what will be one of our biggest Wildlife & Wellbeing events to be held on Saturday 29th October later this year.
Keep following our blog to find out more.
When the event was over, all packed away, it was time for a quiet stroll round and spot some sources of food that the birds and mammals would be feasting on when times become hard.
That’s what I love about our park and gardens, it is a long, wildlife-friendly green corridor that stretches from Weymouth central out to the suburbs.
Weymouth’s Cinderella park.
Ying and yang, running alongside Radipole Bird Reserve.
Perfect for nature, perfect for us.
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