What More Can We Say? Thank You For ALL Your Support
It’s that time of year, Christmas done and dusted, visiting families returned from whence they came, beds stripped, washed and remade, cats enjoying last remnants of the turkey, me praying for a swift return to those lighter evenings, and our thoughts turn towards what was and what will be.
For the Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens committee it’s been a busy year. We are literally a team of four now! So we know we need to work ‘smart’ this coming year.
One member stepped down at the end of the year for personal reasons and he will be sorely missed.
The year has been busy working alongside our lottery bid team and Weymouth’s new Town Council and Parks Department on the completion of our big bid. Thousands of hours of dedication has gone into this by a hard-working team of people. Many I know who have been up working through the night as I sometimes bump into them online at silly o’clock!
Next year we’ll know our fate!
Now is a time when we take stock of events that we held throughout 2019 and start planning those for 2020.
We relish in our successes and mull over those that didn’t quite happen as we envisaged.
There’s always lessons to be learnt.
2019 started with our annual Table Top Sale. Always popular and folks flock in to this free event just to sample Mike’s famous hot fresh baked sausage rolls whilst perusing the goods on offer.
2020’s is booked for Saturday 25th January, so make sure you keep the date.
Sorry, all sellers tables are taken but we’re open to offers of donations to sell on our stall. All monies raised will go towards our new Sensory garden..
February saw Holocaust Memorial Day commemorated in Radipole gardens with its usual emotive service.
This years will be taking place on the 27th January, further details will be posted when available.
May was our fast growing Wildlife & Wellbeing event, becoming ever more popular each year it takes place.
We will be running it on the same lines this year, with maybe a few extra surprises, fingers crossed. 2020 Date 11th April. More details to follow.
May of course was time for the popular Plant Sale and in 2019 we were mobbed!!!
What started out as us looking forlornly at the open doors wondering if anyone would be coming along suddenly changed into a mad crush like the first day at a Harrod’s 75% sale.
Plants, arms, hands, compost stained fingers, money, change, carriers bags, trays, questions…it didn’t stop until nearly everything was gone, the place literally looked like it had been hit by a plague of locusts!
They were even fighting over tomato plants…note to self, must take down more next year.
In 2020 we have set the date for Saturday 16th May.
Another event set for some time in 2020 May is a one off special to commemorate VE bank holiday. We’re working on this one, further details as they emerge.
One of the events that for some unknown reason that didn’t take off was our coach trip. Uptake on tickets was very slow to the point where we sadly had to pull the plug as it wasn’t viable to run it.
We are still pondering if it’s something members want or not. Or if it’s worth trying to arrange one this year in June or not.
Tell us your opinions.
One of our classic and very popular events is Brass Band in the Park, when Weymouth Concert Brass Band join us in the stunning gardens and people arrive with chairs, rugs, picnic’s to enjoy an afternoon under the willows listening to a medley of music.
The afternoon concert will be taking place in July, date to be confirmed.
August is always our biggie. Our 2019 Big Fun Day was buzzing as usual, so much so we were pulled in all directions and didn’t really get to enjoy everything on offer. (Yummy cakes spring to mind.)
We were all on a real high but totally exhausted when we finished.
For 2020’s Big Fun Day on the 22nd August, this is where we have to work smarter. As chair Mike said on the day as we were frantically scurrying between stalls ‘We’ve created a monster!’ We’re only a small team…and of a certain age…so we’ll have to limit what we do and find more ways to source outside help.
Maybe you’d like to volunteer? Even a couple of hours manning something like the raffle would be a HUGE help.
AGM…I know…who goes to AGM’s? We’re trying hard to make them more enticing. It’s more than just finding out what we’ve been up to and all that official malarkey. (Mike is very adept at keeping that part on point, short and sweet.)
The usual welcome stalwarts arrived and enjoyed the evening’s offering, which included free drinks, cheese and biscuits, but there are so many more of you out there, what would entice you along to our meeting? Talks? Skittles? Give us your suggestions.
Next year’s AGM is set for 30th September. Watch this space for ideas and further details.
(P.S. We’ll also know by then if we have succeeded with our lottery bid…so there might be an awful lot of exciting stuff to tell you all.)
Halloween…well that was one event that went well…very well…too well in fact!
We only had a certain amount of free pumpkins for the carving, expecting there to be the same amount of families arriving as per usual. Only problem is the park was full of excited children well before it was due to start. All pumpkins were claimed by a minute or so after the event’s start, and still more expectant families were pouring into the park! There were a lot of disappointed faces and upset parents, which wasn’t a nice position to be in.
But on a positive note, those who got a pumpkin had great fun carving them or having a go at decorating Halloween biscuits (poor Bev was mobbed too, she had to find someone to go to the shops three times to keep pace with the demand!)
Lots of parents simple wandered down to Lidl’s and came back with their own and their children carved away quite happily.
Despite it being a hugely important election day, local councillor Jon Orrell still came along to support us and was kept busy pressing apples, everyone going away happy with their golden juices.
2020’s event might take a slightly different format. We have acquired some new lighting that means we might be able to run it a bit later and get to actually see the lanterns lit We’ve set the 31st October for this event. Again, keep an eye for further details.
And now for something completely different!
We’re thinking of running a craft fair in November 2020, we know from many of the stall holders who come along to our events throughout the year, they’ve expressed an interest.
Again, it’s a case of watch this space.
That’s not all, our personal park’s development officer Rosie Osbourne has other plans in the pipeline…exciting times indeed!
Now it’s time to say a huge, huge thanks to everyone who have supported us in one form or another over the last 12 months. From helping erecting gazebos, baking cakes, manning stalls to donating prizes and funding for our events.
We couldn’t do what we do without you. You should take great pride in that you all play a valuable role in our beautiful park and garden’s future. Here is list of some of those who have given their support, huge apologies if I’ve missed anyone out, its not that you’re not appreciated, far from it, its more to do with my somewhat scattered brain!
All that’s left to do is to wish you all a very
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