Ringing in the New; Radipole Gardens Events 2019
We would like to hope that all our followers enjoyed their festive holiday and will go on to have a very Happy and Healthy New. This will be a very busy and important year for the Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens group. 2019 will see us continue working on phase II of our Parks for People Heritage Lottery Bid to be submitted by the end of this year. Many hours of work goes on behind the scenes by both the Friends volunteers and members of local government on this project, from researching and customer surveys, to documenting figures and arranging walk-in consultations. But of course that...
How You Can Help Us Build Our Sensory Garden Without a Trug or Trowel in Sight
As a Friends group we hold events nearly all year round for all manner of reasons. One is to get people coming along and enjoy our beautiful park and gardens, you'd be surprised at how many that attend our events have absolutely no idea the gardens are here. (That also includes people who have driven past the avenue of trees lining Radipole Park Drive many times!) A lot of our events are completely free for everyone to enjoy such as the Halloween Hoolie and Cider Apple Pressing that we have just run in the gardens, where children and their parents/grandparents could come along and participate in all...
Success; Radipole Gardens Goes All Out in True Patriotic WWII style.
Well, that's the final big event of our year done and dusted and boy did we go out with bloody big bang in true patriotic WWII style! Greeting the crowds coming to our event was this Big Beast shown below. This monster vehicle was parked out in the tennis club car park (sadly minus the even bigger tracked beast who would have been on her back had she not blown something to do with oil.) She guzzled approx £100 in fuel for owner Colvyn Gillmon just to get here here from Dorchester! Though our 1940's Big Fun Day was a cracking success, of course that only happens...
We ‘Get by With A Little Help from Our Friends…’
As the well known Beatles song title goes ...
2018 Off to a Cracking Start…
What an absolute cracker...
December’s Radipole Ripples
For your leisurely perusal...