Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Events  > An All Inclusive Event for Everyone to Enjoy; Multicultural Bring and Share Picnics.
Two young girls sitting on a blue blanket outdoors, sharing a slice of watermelon. one girl is whispering to the other as they both hold the watermelon piece.

An All Inclusive Event for Everyone to Enjoy; Multicultural Bring and Share Picnics.

Sometimes events pop up that makes you remember that there is far more love and compassion in the world than today’s media would often have you believe.

Multicultural Bring and share Picnic Radipole Gardens 2019

Arranged by the Dorset Race Equality Council, these are a series of multicultural picnics in nearby parks and our local one held in Radipole play park area is being supported by Weymouth Town Council.

The idea behind them being that anyone and everyone from all our diverse local communities can come together in a relaxed setting to share their food and take time out to socialise.


A chance to try cuisines of different nationalities. Talk to people who you might pass in your street and smile at, but never stop to really chat.

Make new friendships, forge new and lasting links across communities.


What a simple but exquisitely beautiful idea.

Weymouth; Tuesday 28th May 11-2pm Radipole gardens play park area DT3 5EZ.


Swanage Multicultural Meet up and Picnic Sunday 23rd June 1.30-3.30pm Prince Albert Gardens Swanage BH19 2AR

FB: DorsetRaceEquality Council / dorsetrec
Twitter: @DorsetREC
The Link
3-5 Palmerston Road

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