Radipole Gardens Wildlife Event was Buzzing with Energy and Enthusiasm!
What can I say…apart from WOW… WOW… WOW!
This was the first time we had done a wildlife event in our gardens, so we were not quite sure what reaction to expect, but we needn’t have worried.
Everyone had a fantastic time and even though this wasn’t planned as an event in the fund-raising sense, we still managed to add a fair few coffers for the Sensory garden, including one VERY generous donation.
The super stars of Weymouth’s Dog Friendly Social, a very well behaved Mollie and Bruce (and of course their slave…Linda) https://www.facebook.com/dogfriendlyweymouth/
were there to say hello and spread the word about being responsible dog owners and to promote those businesses and places in Weymouth where your doggie friends are welcomed with open arms.
She also spread the message how dog walkers picking up any litter they come across on their walks could help towards keeping places like Weymouth beach and our parks and gardens clean.
We had people from all manner of groups and voluntary societies advising, showing, educating and entertaining the crowds.
The Forest School set up camp between the trees and was bustling with folk and fun all day. Getting little people out into the open and exploring, building, creating no end of fascinating objects.
(Have to say the Big folks enjoyed it too!)
Children eagerly gathered round to see nature’s marvels such a shed snake skins and skulls. live slow worms…
…even a stuffed otter…which to my shame I completely had a blonde moment!
I asked if it was a weasel!!!
Well, I’ve never seen either of those things live, so it’s hard to judge from just photos their sizes in real life (that’s my excuse anyway)
I was informed that there was an active colony in Radipole lake, I never even knew that!
Dorset Field Officer, James Anderson-Barr, from the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation ponders upon a sticky question.
Cheers for my newt tips James.
Hayley from Hayley’s Hedgehog Rescue being interviewed by Nicola from Chesil Radio in a live broadcast.
She went home with a bag full of much welcomed donations for her little rescued hogs and a new foster carer for newly released hedgehogs.
(That was Dave, one of the Friend’s committee who was so excited!)
Butterfly Conservation group were kept busy.
Even the experts enjoyed their day out sharing information and networking
There was lively music and much merriment with everyone encouraged to join in. We did spot one chap dancing his way down through the gardens…good on him.
Towards the end a wonderful choir struck up beneath the spring blossom and entertained the crowds, encouraging people to join in with their hearty renditions.
‘Ello ello ello…what’s this?
Do I espy a member of staff eating the baked goodies?
(you’re looking more than a bit suspect there Stuart!)
Meanwhile, at the other end Mike’s fiercely guarding the Easter Egg Treasure Hunt and Raffle booty.
We were lucky in that two local medias came along to support us and our event, Nicola from Chesil Radio and Peter Lythgoe from Zzipp Media, he gave us permission to add his live recording on here.
Cheers you two, love the way you come out and support all the local groups and events.
To end our day on an even higher note, we were presented with a wonderful surprise…a bagful of treasure that one of our excited Easter Egg Hunters’ had collected from around the gardens.
And to us, that is exactly what makes us do what we do.
Getting people out there enjoying our beautiful parks and gardens.
Radipole Gardens Nurture Nature Youtube thanks to Peter Lythgoe and Zzipp Media.
Radipole Park and Gardens are being supported by the Heritage Lottery fund.
cannasue 7 years ago
Just want to congratulate everyone on a fantastic day, the whole family enjoyed it, was loads of free things for the children to do, hope you do this again next year?
radipoleparkandgardensfriends 7 years ago
So glad you all enjoyed it. Keep an eye open for the next event, lots more coming this year. 🙂