Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Events  > Radipole Wildlife Matters; Excited About Flying High; 2023
Radipole park Heritage Lottery project 2023

Radipole Wildlife Matters; Excited About Flying High; 2023

Wildlife matters.

Just an update on the last couple of weeks happenings.

A great time was had by one and all at Weymouth Town Council’s Wildlife event in Radipole gardens.

Families flocked to create feeding stations and habitats for our feathered friends and their wildlife counterparts.


Radipole gardens wildlife event August 2023

                                       © WTC


Some lucky birds will be feasting well thanks to Eleanor, Nora and Harrison busily beavering away at a stall.


Making bird feeders Radipole gardens wildlife event 2023

                                     © WTC


Not forgetting about the importance of wild flowers.

The RSPB team were there to help their volunteers make wildflower seed sticks.

Teddy and Ava making seed bombs.


Radipole gardens wildlife event August 2023 wildlife matters

                                   © WTC


And talking of flying, some generous anon allowed us to share some of their fantastic images from flying above the park, showing an overall view of the ongoing Lottery project.


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Always good to have a birds eye view.


Radipole park lottery project 2023

                                                                        © ANON


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