Happy, Happy Little folk; Teddytastic Time For One and All
Teddytastic Time For One and All
The weather might not have been with us for our Teddy Bears picnic in the park, but that didn’t deter families from coming along armed with rugs and chairs.
Teacher Ted (along with a little help from naughty Tilly) had set out his painted Rocks Alphabet.
One of our volunteers setting out the Teddy stalls, ready and waiting for its excited customers.
Who’s going on bear hunt?…searching the gardens for painted rocks, clues and teddies.
The lady Mayor, Cllr Gill Taylor, joined us beautifully decked out in all her best finery…she was raising funds for her chosen causes, The Lantern Trust and Dorset Domestic Abuse Welfare Committee.
The refreshments were kept busy, cakes and drinks vital to intrepid hunters.
But these events are so much more than just providing fun for local families and fund-raising for the Friends of Radipole park and gardens group.
We gain a lot of knowledge.
We also have a general information tent filled with various old images and history of the park and gardens, also displays of old Weymouth shops and businesses that is always bustling with people who love nothing more than reminiscing about their own past and Weymouth’s history.
We get to share their fascinating stories and memories.
One couple told me about their lives here as children during WWII. The gentleman relayed how as a youngster he used to play tennis in the gardens with soldiers billeted in Hanover Road.
Also an unexploded-bomb had dropped in the park and needed to be dug out…which by all accounts took some doing as it had gone down so far in the soft ground!
Then we have those wonderful folk who come across to offer their services for future events in many guises, from baking cakes to helping run stalls.
We appreciate every comment, treasure every memory, love your offers of help and enjoying chatting to you all, big and little people alike. (Children love to share with us any treasures they have found in the gardens, pine cones, leaves and bugs.)
That is why as a Friends group we do what we do…we are passionate about our park and gardens and want to make them the best they can be for the whole community.
All in all a totally teddytastic day was had in our wonderful Radipole gardens.
See you at our next event, Sunday in the Park
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