Today’s Children Making Tomorrows Memories; Radipole’s Heritage.
Radipole’s Heritage; As a Friends group of Radipole Park and Gardens, we frequently give talks about the history of our gardens to various groups around the area, from schools to nursing homes.
Rosie Osbourne, Weymouth’s parks development officer, and Yvonne Leicester went along to Southill primary school where they told a captivated audience exciting tales of roman soldiers and WWII army camps, and how it became fashionable in the Victorian era for people in their punts to row up river heading for refreshments in Radipole village.
All these characters (and far more) played in role in the history of Radipole gardens.
The children then took part in a competition, they were asked to draw any of these characters who they thought might have walked (or sailed) where Radipole park now stands.
Entries were diverse and all fantastic, making it a very hard choice for the judges.
In the end three winners were selected across different year groups.
Winners of the competition included:
Jake, from Year 3, who drew a US army soldier;
Alfie, from Year 4, who drew a Roman Legionnaire;
and Ho Yin, from Year 5, who drew a scene from WW2.
Each pupil received a framed picture of their drawing and a book voucher.
But not only that, their artwork will become part of Radipole’s future.
Their drawings will be used as part of a wall display in the heritage café if Weymouth Town Council, together with the Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens, are successful with their Stage 2 lottery bid to secure 1.3 million to restore the park and gardens.
These plans, besides a cafe and toilets, will also include the installation of new play equipment, splash pads, sports facilities, sensory garden, upgraded pathways and much more.
The Mayor of Weymouth Town Council, Graham Winter, commented “What amazing talent these children have! They have produced a fantastic representation of the park’s diverse heritage.
It’s so important for children to learn about their local history and to be involved in projects which improve their parks and greenspaces. I look forward to hearing how the lottery project develops.”
Well done to all those who took part.
We are running another competition where children’s creations will be displayed in an art gazebo at Radipole’s Big Fun Day on Saturday August 24th.
This time it’s based on making a picture from re cycled bits and bobs, could be from nature or discarded household items, let your imagination run wild.
Prizes for the most creative entries.
Be sure to watch our website and FB pages to see how to enter.
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