Gone But not Forgotten… Memories and Music. July 2023
Gone But not Forgotten… Memories and Music. July 2023
This weeks update is a mixture of memories and music.
The site is cleared, doesn’t it look bleak with that ominous black cloud hovering overhead.
But despite the appalling weather either side of our annual Weymouth Concert Brass Band in the Park event, that Sunday, thought a tad blustery at times, turned out wall to wall sunshine.
And we had a brilliant afternoon that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
What does that have to do with our weekly park project updates?
Well, during the musical interval, so many folk visited our Heritage tent and spoke to us of their own memories of the park.
They asked about the plans, our Project Manager Ben Heath was on tap to tell them all about it.
We even did a couple of interviews about the project for social media and local radio.
(I was caught and had a microphone thrust towards me whilst hiding behind the tent stuffing birthday cake into my mouth!
So apologies to anyone who catches the interview with my cake muffled, Dorset dialect.)
Plenty of people came along to congratulate us on what we’d all achieved.
It really was an uplifting, fun, chilled, musical afternoon, just what was needed to lift the spirits of this somewhat gloomy summer’s month.
So despite the bleak appearance of the site, all cleared ready, we know that there is so much good stuff yet to come.
It won’t be long before wonderful things will be rising from the ground in front of our very eyes.
are being supported by the Lottery
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