Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Fund Raising  > Cheese, Wine and Designs; Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens AGM 2019
Red wine being poured into a glass, with cheese wedges and a wooden bowl on a table, against a dark background.

Cheese, Wine and Designs; Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens AGM 2019

It’s that time of year again when protocol dictates that committee members must gather along with our other members to run through the years events.

The highs (and lows if there were any,) finances and changes.


But fear ye not, we like to make our AGM evenings fun and a bit of a celebration of our years achievements and this year is a biggie!

We’ll be offering those who pass through the portals that evening with free cheese and biscuits and a glass of wine (or soft drinks for those driving.)


Because this year we have have so much to tell you all.

Crystal Johnson, our lottery bid project manager, will be along with Rosie Osbourne, parks development officer, to reveal our preliminary garden landscaping plans in all their technicolour glory for the future of the park and gardens (depending of course on us succeeding with stage II of our bid.)

You’ll be able to see our vision and ask questions.

Not only that, but we’re also being joined by Chelsea flower show award winning garden designer, Michelle Brown,

Michelle Brown garden design lecturer at Kingston Maurward

Michelle Brown garden design lecturer at Kingston Maurward talking about plans for their garden at this years Chelsea Flower Show.

who will reveal her plans and talk about our long awaited Sensory garden.

Me thinks the following couple of years are going to be very exciting indeed, so make sure to come along and climb aboard with us as we take Radipole park and gardens into the future.

This evening is open to everyone, members or not.

We’ll welcome you all with open arms, and maybe a membership form tucked away just in case…


The meeting starts at 7pm at Weymouth Centenary club in Jubilee Close.

Free parking on site.

Annual AGM



are being supported by the

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