Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Events  > Exciting News…Finally!…Our Grand Opening Day Arrives; Saturday 10th August 2024
Cllr Caroline Dickinson opening the new Radipole park facilities August 2024

Exciting News…Finally!…Our Grand Opening Day Arrives; Saturday 10th August 2024

Grand Opening Day Arrives


Nearly nine years in the making.

Just about every curve ball imaginable thrown at us.

Despite all these hurdles, the roller coaster ride from hell,  horrendous weather that plagued and flooded us out, which broke all records, we’ve made it.

Our grand opening day of the new park facilities.

In fact this was our second attempt at an opening day, the first had to be cancelled because of…yes you’ve guessed it…bad weather!

The forecast bode well, dry if not a tad cloudy, but we’ll go with that.

What happens? Wake up to the sound of rain on the sunlounge roof.

What on earth?

Luckily it was a passing shower so it was off to the park to set up for what we hoped would be a great day.

Would people turn up?

Would Lottery representatives like what we’ve done?

You bet your bottom dollar they did, and folks turned up, in droves.


Radipole park grand opening day August 2024


Every single section of the new park facilities was packed with people

The MUGA and tennis courts teamed with eager folk to try their hand at the free activities.


training session Radipole park tennis courts opening day August 2024


pétanque court, sensory garden, table tennis tables, toddlers bike and scooter track.

The cafe had a queue all day long and sold out completely.


Radipole MUGA opening day August 2024


Music provided by the Weymouth Bay Rockers watched by an appreciative audience.


Weymouth Bay Rockers Radipole opening day August 2024


And Weymouth Ukuleleans were really popular, packing out the sensory garden with their cheerful toe tapping tunes.


Weymouth Ukeleleans Radipole park opening day August 2024


All these free to use public facilities had taster coaching sessions which turned out to be very popular.

Proving that our aims of this Lottery bid to providing a safe green and healthy, free to use space for local families was working.

Midday and it was speech time.


Lottery representative opening Radipole park new facilities August 2024


We were lucky enough to have not one, but two representatives from the Lottery board come down to take part in our celebrations.

Then it was time to cut the tape.

Deputy Mayor, Cllr Caroline Dickinson, ran through some statistics of the project before taking scissors to ribbon…and the deed was done.



Cllr Caroline Dickinson grand opening day at the new Radipole park facilities August 2024


It’s hard to recall exactly what happened that day as so much did, and it flew by.

Radipole’s Cinderella park was no more, she now wore her beautiful silken gowns and was well and truly dancing the fandango.



Logo of "friends of radipole park & gardens" featuring a stylized green heart with a figure, abstract trees, and brass band music elements, accompanied by text in green and gray.


were supported by


Logo of Weymouth Town Council featuring three curved stripes in green, orange, and blue, forming an abstract circular design reminiscent of brass band music notes above the text "Weymouth Town Council.



and the LotteryCommunity & Heritage Lottery logo


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