FINALLY!!! THAT SPADE IN THE GROUND MOMENT; Excitement at Radipole Park and Gardens Lottery Project 2023
Well, to say that it’s been a long old tortuous road is no exaggeration!
Eight years ago, Mike Goulden put pen to paper and started what I must imagine, to be the longest Lottery application in history.
We were supposed to have celebrated with an all singing, all dancing event for our winning Lottery status just before the pandemic hit us.
That stopped us in our tracks.
Emerge from that only to find that costs of everything had sky rocketed.
Long and short of it there has been a huge collaboration between all parties concerned to make sure we still delivered what we promised we would with the money we had.
Value Engineering they call it.
Every nut, bolt, piece of stone, equipment, you name it, has been value engineered to within an inch of its life.
Even the Lottery panel told us they were impressed with what we had achieved out of what looked like an impossible situation.
But the nail biting times are over, we’ve been there, spade in hand, chap in high viz and hard hat, works about to start.
Over the following months you’ll be able to follow our journey as we finally give our Cinderella park the beautiful gown she so rightly deserves.
Below a message from Weymouth Town Council.
A turf cutting ceremony was held today to mark work starting on site to transform Radipole Park and Gardens.
Councillors, the Mayor of Weymouth, and reps from the Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens stood in the spot that will be transformed to provide a heritage kiosk, toilet facilities, a new play area, a sensory garden, and a host of other improvements.
Commenting on the £1million Heritage Lottery funded project, Cllr Hope said:
“It’s fantastic to see work starting on site to transform our beautiful Radipole Park and Gardens, making it even more attractive for people to enjoy visiting…”
Weymouth’s Mayor, Cllr Kate Wheller joined us to ‘dig’ that first sod and raise a cheers for what is a fantastic achievement by all involved.
To read the full details, visit https://www.weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/…/work-begins…/
are being supported by the Lottery
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