Heavens Above! Weymouth’s Radipole as You’ve Never Seen it Before.
Radipole as You've Never Seen it Before In the midsts of some research this morning, I came across this incredible site...
Radipole Park under Construction…1920’s-1930’s.
Radipole park and gardens is probably one of the 'newer' recreational areas in Weymouth. It was constructed between the two World Wars, at a time when when the country was suffering from economic depression and the accompanying high unemployment. The government of the day had set out loans to those councils that wanted to avail themselves of them to complete public works at very favourable rates. Weymouth grasped this opportunity with both hands and set to expanding it's land. A problem that had thwarted the town for centuries, because Weymouth, or Melcombe Regis of old, was basically built out on a sand spit. Surrounded by the sea on one...
Powerful words…Powerful Memories; Holocaust Day 2018
Our local parks and gardens, besides being somewhere that gives us great pleasure, they can also provide us with a wealth of memories. Some are happy, some may be sad, but some hold very powerful messages for those who visit. So it is for Radipole Gardens who will be holding their annual Holocaust Memorial Day on Friday January 26th. In our gardens, standing tall and straight is a Holocaust Memorial Tree, donated by local resident, Tony Hamm. Each year people from all walks of life and faiths gather together around it to remember not only those lives lost or affected affected by such atrocious acts of barbarism under...
2018 Off to a Cracking Start…
What an absolute cracker...
Childhood memories of Radipole playpark
To many people of a certain age this insignificant low wall will bring back many happy and fun-filled memories. For those NOT of a certain age you may wonder what the dickens I'm on about. Let me explain...
Radipole Gardens…A Walk on the Windy Winter Wildside
Now, I'm not exactly renown for my love of the cold, but every so often I'll don numerous warm layers and tentatively poke my nose out of the door. Decided one very windy day in January to stroll (maybe make that getting blown and buffeted along) through the gardens and capture a few images...
The Quirky Bits…Fallen trees Find a New Life.
It's funny how sometimes something sad turns into something that becomes much loved and appreciated. So it was with one of the grand old trees in the gardens. Having reached the end of her life, there was nothing for it, she had to be felled. But being of a fair size (and costly to move), it was decided to leave her just where she landed. Now she wears a...
December’s Radipole Ripples
For your leisurely perusal...