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Weymouth Neighbourhood plan

Don’t Miss Out; Community Wise We Can All Make a Difference; 2022

We Can All Make a Difference

Weymouth Neighbourhood plan


So often you see folk grumbling about this and that, especially on social media.

Well, hows about this.

Add your voice!

Social media is a mixed blessing, but without doubt it helps reach so many more people in the community.

I know there’s some out there who don’t have the technology, the knowhow, or even the will to use it, that’s why face to face consultations are also being held.

At the start of this year Weymouth Town Council arranged free meetings open to all local community groups and what an eye opener they were.

We made connections, learnt new ideas, helped each other, talked about finding volunteers, what we needed to make our various charities, associations, more successful, how to reach out to the wider community.

Everyone I spoke to said these sessions had been worth their weight in gold.

Now here’s a chance for you, a valuable part of our community, to share your personal views.

Weymouth Town Council Cllr David Northam, Vice Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, says: “Please help shape the future of our town over the next 15 to 20 years. I urge you to come along to one of the upcoming community events where you can have your say on Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan. This is a plan for all of us in Weymouth and is designed to help our communities, including residents and businesses, to have a say in Weymouth’s future.

So do come along, find out more about the plan and take the survey so that we can capture your valuable input.”

Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan group identified five themes that the Weymouth community have said are important to them – homes, jobs, communities, landscape and green spaces and sustainable environments.


Drop in Sessions Weymouth Neighbourhood plan

Talking to residents at the Weymouth Information Shop


A series of drop in sessions have been arrange where folk can go along, ask questions and have their say.

Park Community Centre, Chelmsford St, 4-6.45pm, Tuesday 21 June

St Francis Church, Littlemoor, 4-7pm, Wednesday 29 June

St Paul’s Community Centre, Westham, 4-7pm, Friday 8 July

According to Dorset Coast Forum’s spokesperson, Sara Parker,  who are supporting the plan and arranging these sessions;

The Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan will be the best it can be if we can encourage as many people in Weymouth as we can to give us their thoughts ‘

They’re also keen to hear from younger members of our community, after all what happens now will influence their future;

A special survey will be being made available to schools and youth organisations by the end of June and will also be available for those aged 8+ on our Have Your Say webpage soon.’

To find out more go here

After all you can’t moan…if you don’t do!

Get involved with the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan!

Dorset Coast Forum


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