Not Quite What the Advert Promised!
The problem with organising garden events is that sometimes Mother Nature doesn’t play ball.
So it was with our fruit pruning in the Community Orchard.
The poster promised so much, sunshine and warmth.
…but nature failed to deliver!
I should have taken heed when I started receiving phone calls to ask if the event would still be going ahead as the next days’s forecast was dire.
Now, ever the optimist, I felt convinced that the sun would shine on us…or at least the torrential rain would have blown through by the time of the 10am start.
It was wet, windy and cold…very cold.
Undeterred though, we donned multiple layers and waterproof wellies ready to face the elements, by now totally convinced that no one else would be brave/daft enough to attend. (Would even our gardener Andy venture forth?)
Imagine my surprise as we rounded the corner, there was Andy, complete with his all weather gear…not only that but a couple of keen gardeners!
What followed was a very instructive session, with Andy answering all our questions and demonstrating the correct way to go about pruning fruiting trees.
In fact I’d go as far as to say that he made is all seem so simple.
I think we all went away with a lot more confidence in picking up our pruners and tackling those scary scions.
Thank you Andy.
I hasten to add that as the morning progressed the rain ceased to rain and the sun peeped out from behind the scudding clouds bringing a few more interested parties to the orchard to take on board some useful tips.
See…the sun does shine on the righteous.
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Radipole Park and Gardens are being supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.
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