Wonderful; Community Cooperation Gets Results; Radipole Park Drive Litter Pick
Community Cooperation Gets Results
What a fantastic day yesterday.
O.K. so the weather wasn’t overly great, but that mattered not one iota for one group of people.
At the start of this year trees and shrubs had been cut back hard along side Radipole Drive, to open up the views out across the lake.
At first people were shocked as it literally looked as if it had been flailed to within an inch of its life.
But nature being the feisty little madam she is, all is now coming good again.
Only problem being, this open vista now revealed the amount of rubbish and all manner of bizarre items that had been thrown down into the reserve alongside the pavement.
(photo copyright of Martin Jones-Gill)
We’ve had so many people approaching us as Friends of Radipole park mentioning the sorry state of this litter, saying how it spoilt their walk into town.
Well, on Saturday 24th March, Daniel Bartlett from Radipole Lake Bird Reserve run by the RSPB organised a community litter pick along Radipole Park Drive.
Of course, the Friends of Radipole park were keen to get involved as the park and gardens runs alongside the lake and we like to work together as it not only benefits us as a community but also the wildlife.
What a cracking turn out out it was too.
People packed into the Reserve’s cafe ready to don gloves, grab their pickers and muster their black sacks.
Once Dan had given the H&S speech…it was off to gather in the garbage.
Boy oh boy…you would NOT believe what was pulled out!!!!
Aside from the usual throw away rubbish, crisp packets, beer bottles and take away cartons, we found balls, mud guards, toys, clothes, odd shoes, gas bottles, road cones, road signs, car tyres, car rims, even a car seat…we never did find the car though.
People were kept topped up with free hots drinks and a well earned rest in the cafe.
All in all one very successful day.
Volunteering has so many benefits, it helps to get people out into their community, make new friends and feel they have achieved something, so the next time a call to arms goes out, why not pop along and help. It’ll benefit our community and you.
(And the wildlife of course.)
Thanks to Dan Bartlett and Martin Jones-Gill for permission to use their photos.
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are being supported by the Heritage Lottery
cannasue 7 years ago
Absolutely wonderful job, I walk my dog along there on my way to work and saw all that rubbish. I live on Portland but grew up at the spa so that place has a lot of memories for me. If I had known about the clean up before I would of happily come to help. Wonder how long it will last and will Mc Donald’s take any rubbish back as most of it was from them. Well done to who helped clean up there are good people out there. 💐
radipoleparkandgardensfriends 7 years ago
There’s a lot of good people out there, everyone was cheerful, if not a bit bemused by what they were finding.
bernie searle 7 years ago
Please will you let me know about the next one – could you maybe send it to the fb group WeyProgress, as a link?
radipoleparkandgardensfriends 7 years ago
Hi Bernie, will do. 🙂