Nurture Nature is on a Roll and Wildlife Will Win.
Even though we’re supposed to be on the cusp of Spring, I’m sat here at my desk, clad in multiple layers, gas fires blasting out much welcome warmth, the Easterly winds’s howling a hoolie and snow lies deep on the ground.
Yet there is more to come so they say from this Beast from the East.
I take heart though from the fact that in 6 weeks time the sun will be a’shining, the weather will be kind and bestow great warmth on our
Nurture Nature and Welcome Wildlife event.
So grab a warming cuppa
Settle down by a blazing fire.
Sneak an early hot cross bun
If that’s what you desire.
The snow will eventually go
The wicked Beast will expire.
The sun will shine again I know
Until then… let us inspire.
To see what delicious delights
we have in store for you
For all you lovers of wildlife
Here’s a a post for you to view.
(ta da)
Things for the Wildlife event are coming along at a pace.
We have a great selection of groups coming to Radipole Gardens for that day and promises of still yet more.
Below is a just a mere selection of those attending; wildlife wonders who will wow one and all.
Sallie Leslie from the Dorset Beekeepers will be buzzing with enthusiasm.
Hoping to inspire all of us to do our best to help these hard-working winged wanderers.
All manner of experts in their field will be there to talk to people about what they do, how they help to improve matters for their chosen animals or little beasties.
People such as James Anderson-Barr, the Dorset Field Officer for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation…
….will simply rivet you with his knowledge.
(You can tell how bored I am being stuck indoors resorting to terrible puns and pathetic poetry!)
Then we have Dorset Dragonflies, namely one Andrew Brown…
…who will wing his way to the gardens with his knowledge, amazing everyone about dazzling damsels.
And on the theme of all things winged…
…Colin Burningham from the Dorset Butterfly Conservation group can flit from subject to subject, butterflies to moths, Skippers to Hairstreaks.
Of course, not to be missed out, here are our bigger furry friends…
…Julia Cumming can fox even the ardent animal lover with a (l)otter information.
(I know…big groans)
Then there are those who work hard behind the scenes to help our oh so charming soft spiked snuffling hogs…
…Hayley helps all those hedgehogs in distress.
We haven’t forgotten the humans either!
Julie Hammon from Stepping into Nature…
…cares for the carers and the elderly, making sure that they too are able to enjoy the benefits of nature and Dorset’s outdoor beauty.
It doesn’t stop there either…but then you’ll have to come along on the day and find out.
It’s an event for all ages, all interests, all lovers of our wonderful world of wildlife.
P.S. I still think our gardens look beautiful even in the snow.
Thanks to Charmaine & Simon Teversham for the snow images from their walk in the park.
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