Radipole Gardens…A Walk on the Windy Winter Wildside
Now, I’m not exactly renown for my love of the cold, but every so often I’ll don numerous warm layers and tentatively poke my nose out of the door.
Decided one very windy day in January to stroll (maybe make that getting blown and buffeted along) through the gardens and capture a few images…mainly to see what’s occuring this time of year.
I was pleasantly surprised!
Spotting some brightly coloured stems, now devoid of their leafy garb I ventured over to see if I could identify them.
With my nose pushed virtually into the bush, trying to work out what I was looking at I caught a delicate scent.
Just behind stood a completely insignificant looking shrub, small plain evergreen green leaves, but it had tiny flowers on.
Ah…one I did know.
This was the Winter Flowering Honeysuckle aka Lonicera fragrantissima.
Being a tad breezy it was probably not the best day to try and capture it’s transient essence.
During the summer months the draped boughs of the weeping willows are all encompassing, but in the winter, devoid of their greenery they can take on slightly sinister tones.
The Whomping Willow of Harry Potter sprang to mind!
Throughout the gardens, even on such a dull and dismal day there was life and colour, albeit muted tones.
From the ghost white stems of the Silver birch…
…to the vivid reds of the Cherry.
Even a few of the hardier flowers ordained to poke their noses out.
Small but very welcome.
Berries are always great for winter colour…even if you do have to coupe down to see them.
Not forgetting the wildlife of course, plenty of pine cones for them, hopefully some will still be left hanging despite the ferocious winter winds.
Though i’m sure that something (or someone) will come along to make use of these ones.
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