Radipole Park & Gardens
Welcome to the website for Weymouth’s Radipole Park & Gardens run by the Friends group of the park.
Radipole Park & Gardens > Backwater  > 2019 Swinging into Spring; Birds Galore and Crocus Walk in Radipole Gardens
Purple crocuses swinging into spring in a park with scattered sunlight and people walking in the background.

2019 Swinging into Spring; Birds Galore and Crocus Walk in Radipole Gardens

Swinging into Spring

There are some days when you just love where you live.

Radipole sits on the outskirts of town, close enough to walk in, but far enough out to escape chaos of summer traffic.


coloured underpass Radipole lake


Right on our doorstep is Radipole Lake and Bird Reserve and Radipole park and gardens which at the moment are a kaleidoscope of colour with the famous Crocus Walk in full bloom.


SSwan Radipole lake


On a beautiful February day what better than a short stroll to take in the best of both.


Birds Radipole reserve


The great outdoors at Radipole RSPB reserve, and nature sure lifts the spirits.


Crocus Walk Feb 2019 Radipole gardens


Lots of people out to stop and admire the crocus walk which this year is sensational.


Crocus walk 2019 Feb Radipole gardens


Ribbons of colour flood the gardens.


people admiring crocus walk in Radipole gardens Feb 2019


Bringing out the walkers and photographers.


Crtocus walk and story log Feb 2019


Even resident wildlife obliged with a pose.


Bird in Radipole gardens


Looking for shade in February???


looking back through the crocus walk Feb 2019


People stand and admire


people admiring the crocus walk Radipole gardens 2019


Where better to destress?


Crocus Walk end 2019


Isn’t nature magical!


Crocus Radipole gardens 2019


Her colour palettes second to none.


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